Friday, October 22, 2010

Mariel: 8lbs 3.5 oz and 20.5 inches

This is what I looked like during my first 24 hours of life.

I love being with my mom and dad. :)

I love sleeping.

When my dad holds me, I'm very content.

Mommy was tired after giving birth to me, and I was tired too.
It took a long time.

My momma showing me off, what do you think? Aren't I cute?

I love looking around and seeing the world.

Look at my wrinkly feet.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Matthew's Birthday Week

October 6th was a wonderful day. This is the day that my husband was brought forth into the world ... and to his request, we celebrated very low key. He woke up to cinnamon rolls!! We hung out all day and literally spent the day "lolly-gagging."

To his request, I fried battered shrimp and french fries, then cooked spinach. We ended the day with coke floats using icedream from Chick-fil-a!! It was a nice and relaxing day!

And then on Friday evening, our friend Laura cooked us dinner at her place.
She set her table with flowers, candles, sparkling grape juice chilling in a bucket, and mints.
She made chicken Parmesan with pasta, fresh broccoli, bread sticks, and a beautiful cream cheese-apple tart for dessert.
It was so nice to have a dinner "out."
After she cooked, she left for her friends, so we could have the night to ourselves.
A few pictures to capture the evening:

Happy Birthday!!

(and thank you Laura! The evening was delightful!)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Randomness - to show a little growth of Mariel

Tickling Mariel at 37 weeks :)

Matthew in the midst of his art project ...

It's complete ... Matthew's artwork!

Nanny Kacal made me a dress ... I love it!
(I don't know if you can tell that I'm pregnant from the front.)

I'm guessing this is around 37.5 weeks, but if you look behind me, we got a chair to rock Mariel in upon her arrival!! We can't wait!!

And then last Saturday (9/25), we went to the Duke Homestead and learned about the tobacco industry. Here are few pictures to document our adventure:

Tobacco hung our to dry in the barn

Matthew thought it would be cute to take a picture of me ... with belly and bottom protruding from the tree ... I think I look like an ostrich ...

Hanging out by the trailor the Duke's used to transport tobacco to the auctions.

This is a picture of a barn where the tobacco is sorted in quality.

The grapevine behind the Duke's home.

So, we dislike snakes to a high-degree and were watching out for them on our hike; luckily, all we saw was this snake skin.

This is the end of our hike ... Next time we go, we'll have a little one to explore with!! :)