Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Fun

Mariel and I spent our "extra" day having fun, especially in the creating world of things.

First, I decided we should make bean bag frogs. While she was napping, I sewed them using flannel and felt. Then, when Mariel woke up, she helped me fill them with rice and sew the hole on the sewing machine. (She enjoys sitting in my lap as I sew different things.)

She was so careful as she poured the rice into the funnel that went into the frog.

And after Mariel was done, she had fun ... Rice got everywhere!

Our froggie bean bags are complete!!

Then, I decided she needed some frog eyes to complete here outfit! We stuffed them with bread bags and then glued on googly eyes. Mariel even helped a little.

Now, here are the pictures to show off Mariel's outfit:

Then, we ended the day with a little finger/brush painting. While she LOVES dirt and sand, she didn't like her fingers to get in the paint and turn green. You know, it's funny because she did not especially like when I colored her bath blue/green at first.

Here's our froggie creation to end the day:

Happy Leap Year!!
Love to all,
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  1. I LOVE your frog themed leap day! Mariel is so beautiful. :o)

  2. TOOO Cute!!! Leap days are so much fun......I remember when my kids were little we did everything backward on leap day --- dinner for breakfast, etc. :)
