Friday, July 12, 2013

Cow Appreciation Day

 We enjoyed dressing up like COWS!!!

M to the 4th

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

4th of July Weekend

We spent the weekend at the annual Schike Point July 4th Celebration.
The girls had a blast hanging out with lots of family and friends.

 On the second night, Matthew and I took the girls cane pole fishing.  
Mariel and Matthew caught 5 fish!  
However, much to my surprise, Mariel was not about to touch the fish!

 On Saturday morning, the community hosted a Golf Cart Parade and then a hamburger/hot dog lunch.  Then at 3pm, Kenny (aka G-Daddy) created his annual Washer Tournament.  Our cousin Lee and his partner won the tournament!
Matthew and the girls before the Golf Cart Parade.

The girls are tired after a day of a parade, swimming, and washers!
We left on Sunday!  But before we left, Mariel let her butterflies fly away.  She received them as caterpillars, watched them turn into chrysalis, and then into Painted Lady Butterflies.  She chased them away!  It was fun to watch them!!
Mariel letting her butterflies fly away as everyone watches!
Daddy giving Mariel a butterfly to fly away!
Fly away butterfly!
There is a butterfly behind her!  She's posing with it, even though you can't see it.

 It was a great weekend!
Many blessings,
M to the 4th

July 4th Parade

We had a wonderful July 4th!  Mariel, Mya, and Molly met Uncle Chet, Aunt Laura, Fielding, Wren, and Cannan Joy for a great time at the Belton July 4th Parade!  This is a parade you do not miss if you grew up in Belton, Texas.  Some of my friends have been known to fly in from South America to make the parade in years past.  Needless to say, it was great to hang out with family and friends!!

Cousins lined up in birth order:
Fielding, Mariel, Wren, Mya, and Cannan

I hope you all had a great 4th of July!!
M to the 4th